University of Illinois Memorial Stadium
Project Features:
FWDS panels - Bone White used on exterior entrance at center atrium. Penthouse panels (#9918 Dove Gray) featured 2" reveals in the panel which added a unique design feature to this type of panel. FWDS Panels used along entire soffit of suite section. Composite panels topped off the glass section along the entire perimeter of the suites.
University of Illinois Memorial Stadium
Champagne, Illinois
Arenas, Stadiums
Centria FWDS 2H x 24#9918 Dove Gray
Centria FWDS 2H x 18#9918 Dove Gray
Centria FWDS 2H x 40Bone White
Centria FWDS 2H x 24Bone White
Centria IW-10A#9918 Dove Gray
MSS / Composite Panel Wet Seal Dove Gray
C-S Louvers - Half Round Dark Blue
Total Square Foot: