Trueblood Performing Arts Center
Trueblood Performing Arts Center
Washington Island, WI
Amusement, Social, Recreation
Centria / Super-Rib Siding #9947 Gray Velvet
Centria / Econolap - Siding #9947 Gray Velvet
Centria / Econolap - Siding #9957 Silver
Centria / Versawall 2.75 x 36 #5913 Artic Ice
Total Square Foot:
18,726 Total Square Foot
Project Features
This is retrofit project consists of a 2 3/4" versawall backup panel over CMU for insulating purposes covered with a single skin of contrasting depth exposed fastened panels manufactured by Centria. The building had one curved wall which features two methods of curving panels by Centria: Crimp curving and barrel rolling. A custom light gage support system was engineered to connect the backup panels to the CMU, and the exposed fastened panels to another layer of light gage framing.